How the World sees Iran
Myself, I am appalled and disgusted. Having grown up in the real world, I value free speech and independent thought.
Let’s look at Iran. It’s a theocracy. The Ayatollahs have the power and that is what all this is about…POWER. Power corrupts…Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mohamed’s teachings were peaceful, like the teachings of Jesus. This situation is not really about Islam.
It’s kinda like having a committee of Jerry Falwells having all the power in the United States. I don’t really want to think about the implications there.
Was the election fair? Well, when there are more ballots cast than eligible voters, I kinda doubt it. Were the people right to protest it? Yeah.
The protesters were peaceful. Show of displeasure in the fraud. Pro government forces came out with guns & clubs and started to beat and kill people. The protesters picked up rocks. Like holding on to a twig in a cat 5 hurricane.
Quick…kick out all journalists so the world can’t see the brutality inflicted on the people!!! That might have worked 30 years ago but NOT ANYMORE. Out came the cameras and cell phones with pictures streaming to the World Wide Net. THE WORLD WAS WATCHING with concern and disgust.
CAUGHT RED HANDED!!! It’s not our fault!!! The unrest was encouraged by Great Britain.. The United States instigated the protest… (my favorite) The CIA killed Neda. How dare she get shot where there was someone with a cell phone camera!!! It’s everyone’s fault but the government of Iran.
It’s time that Iran grows up and joins the rest of us adults in the real world. In the meantime I will continue to pray for the safety of the people of Iran.
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Allah Akbar
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